21 Enemies of Family Progress Pt 4

How Age Difference Affects Relationships
How Age Difference Affects Relationships

21 Enemies of Family Progress Pt 4

-Bisi Adewale
This is the last face of this article; your family progress is very paramount to God, so the responsibility to make it work solely lies on you. So you will do yourself a whole lots of good to detached yourself from the factors listed below that hinders family progress
17.Bad Communication: communication is the backbone of any relationship. When communication departs, frustration sets in, positive communication breeds positive relationship, negative communication breeds bad and combative marriage. Secrecy breeds fear, distrust and suspicion. Openness breeds love, understanding, acceptance, adjustment, encouragement, intimacy, oneness and unity. Two cannot work together except they agree, and two cannot agree except they communicate. Develop your communication skill if you want to be a success in marriage.
18.Bad Parenting: This is another enemy of family progress, no family can move forward if the parent lacks divine wisdom to lead their children. Most parents do not know the difference between bearing and rearing children hence they end up rearing disobedient and delinquent children.
19.Poverty: Money answereth all things, poverty is a marriage killer, it debars family progress and separated lovers. Pray against poverty, work hard, not to live hard, put your mind to work, do not shut down. Think your ways out of poverty. Manage money wisely, do not be wasteful, be faithful to God, pay your tithe, and unlock divine blessings by giving to God and the poor.
20.Barrenness. Barrenness is another thing that retards family progress. Many people allow barrenness to separate them or cause disaffection among them, this is not suppose to be so. Stay together, war against the enemy of your faithfulness. Do not destroy your marriage because of infertility you are not barren; you will have your own baby in Jesus name.
21. Bad Character: Bad Characters like pride, anger, dirtiness, stealing, laziness, oversleeping, talkativeness, lying, drunkenness, etc can destroy any marriage any day, hence repair your character, rebuild your habit if you truly desire a glorious marriage.



Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on familybooster@gmail.com, 08068312004, Whatsaap 08051512823, BB: 2AF5C883, Blog:  www.bisiadewale.com, facebook.com/PastorBisiAdewale.Twitter @bisiadewale