10 Reasons Why You’re Always So Tired part1
10 Reasons Why You’re Always So Tired part1
If you count yourself among the many perpetually tired adults, it’s time to start figuring out where things are going wrong. It could be as simple as not hitting the hay soon enough, but something less expected could also be at play. Check out this list of 10 culprits so you can stop stifling yawns and start feeling more awake. 10 Reasons Why You’re Always So Tired part1 10 Reasons Why You’re Always So Tired part1
1. Sleeping in
Once Friday hits, most people are ecstatic at the thought of sleeping long past their weekday waking hour. Though snoozing until noon might sound like the ultimate luxury, you could be doing a lot more harm than good. According to Men’s Health, sleeping in throws off your body’s internal clock since it alters the amount of time you’re exposed to daylight as well as your regular eating habits. If you can’t completely fend off the urge, keep it to an additional 90 minutes at the absolute max.
What about catching up on sleep? Sorry, but there’s really no truth to this concept. For starters, you’d have to sleep a ton of extra hours in two days to equate to what you lost during the week. Even if you feel slightly less tired, it’s still not that beneficial. A 2013 study found workers who slept in for two days following a week of sleep deprivation felt less fatigued but didn’t experience an increase in performance. 10 Reasons Why You’re Always So Tired part1 10 Reasons Why You’re Always So Tired part1
2. Improper amount of exercise
If you think you’re too tired to work out, think again. Plenty of research shows regularly making the time for a sweat session can help you feel a lot more alert during the day. This 2008 study from the University of Georgia is a good example. The team found those who started incorporating exercise into their day enjoyed reduced fatigue compared to those who remained sedentary. 10 Reasons Why You’re Always So Tired part1 10 Reasons Why You’re Always So Tired part1
Setting your alarm a bit earlier in the day is a good route for most adults, but a work schedule that already has you out of bed in the early hours still isn’t a reason to skip out. The old excuse that exercising later in the day will disrupt your sleep that night doesn’t have much support. According to CNN, as long as you give yourself a few hours between your workout and the time your head touches your pillow, you’ll be just fine.
On the flip side, folks who hit the gym a little bit too hard can also suffer from fatigue. Athletes who are constantly training for competitions can easily become victims of overtraining, a condition where the body has been worked to exhaustion. Once someone hits this point, they’re performance suffers and they tend to feel moody and extremely exhausted.
3. Too many screens
Most adults are plugged into some sort of electronic device all day, right up the point when they hop in bed. Exposing yourself to the light from your phone, computer, TV, or tablet so late in the day can have a huge impact on the amount and quality of sleep you get. A 2014 study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital found participants who used light-emitting eReaders an hour before bed took longer to fall asleep, experienced reduced quality in sleep, and felt more fatigued the next morning. The researchers believe the light that comes from these devices disrupts circadian rhythm, our body’s natural clock that helps tell us when it’s time to sleep. Instead of surfing the web, try reading a book or magazine before bed.
4. Poor diet
Three cups of black coffee does not constitute breakfast, yet many don’t have much more than that. This habit of skipping the day’s first meal can slow you down pretty significantly. Amy Goodson, RD at Texas Health Ben Hogan Sports Medicine, told Time eating breakfast refuels your body from the long break between meals and gets your metabolism going. Your best bet is to go for complex carbohydrates and protein, to keep you satisfied and maintain a stable supply of energy. Go for foods like eggs with whole wheat toast or oatmeal with Greek yogurt.
The article also noted the importance of getting good nutrition for the rest of the day. Sugary snacks and simple carbs will cause your blood sugar to spike. While this gives you an immediate hit of energy, you’ll soon feel even more exhausted than before your snack. Once again, protein and complex carbohydrates are your best friends to stay alert during the day.
5. Dehydration
Though the old advice of drinking eight glasses of water a day is sort of overkill, most people don’t sip enough of the clear stuff throughout the day. If you’re not guzzling at least a few glasses, dehydration could be the reason you feel so sluggish. Nutritional therapist Hayley Pedrick told The Telegraph, “As little as a 5 to 8% loss of water can lead to fatigue.” When you don’t have an adequate amount of water in your system, your blood volume drops. This means it takes longer for oxygen and other nutrients to circulate through your body, leaving you feeling wiped out.