13 Perfect Ways To Be Example To Your Children part1


13 Perfect Ways To Be Example To Your Children part1

By: Bode Akinola

13 Perfect Ways To Be Example To Your Children part1

If you want to give your children the best chance at life, make sure they know their parents are crazy about each other.
When I was growing up, there was no delusion that my parents’ marriage was perfect. Although I sometimes heard them fight (politely), I still knew my parents were in love.
13 Perfect Ways To Be Example To Your Children part1
That’s a really big deal, because children who come from intact families have a huge amount of benefits in really all aspects of their life.
In other words, if you want to give your children the best chance at life, make sure they know their parents are crazy about each other. These are some of the things every child deserves to see their dads do for his wife: 13 Perfect Ways To Be Example To Your Children part1 13 Perfect Ways To Be Example To Your Children part1
1. Praise her in front of your children
My dad always claimed that our good looks, smart brains or wise decisions came from our mom. “That’s why I married her,” was a common phrase he often said.

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2. Make your kids help her with dinner
Yep, they will complain, but having your children do something to lighten your wife’s massive load plants the idea in their mind that you care about making her life better.
13 Perfect Ways To Be Example To Your Children part1
3. Be cheesy
Although they gag and protest, children need to see their dad romance their mom. My dad isn’t a softie, but he is a romantic… because my mom likes it. He wrote poems on Mother’s Day and celebrated their anniversary. This showed us (and her) that she was a big deal to him. 13 Perfect Ways To Be Example To Your Children part1 13 Perfect Ways To Be Example To Your Children part1 13 Perfect Ways To Be Example To Your Children part1
4. Ditch the romance
Dad didn’t insist on having a frequent guy’s night. While his hobbies could easily be transformed into man-weekend excursions, he instead chose to make my mom his main buddy. They hiked together, worked in our yard, refinished houses, went shopping, watched movies or fixed the plumbing. There was no doubt in our little minds who came first to Dad.

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5. Don’t tolerate kid-sass
Standing up for your wife is a secret “I love you” to her. There was no better way to upset Dad than by giving mom sass. He just didn’t tolerate it.

6. Handholding and kisses
Physical touch is an outward sign of relationship security for children. My dad kissed my mom when he came home from work. They held hands in public. Even though it grossed me out at the time, I was comforted when they would snuggle during family movie nights.