How To Win Your Wife Back When She’s emotionally Off
How To Win Your Wife Back When She’s emotionally Off

—- Bisi Adewale

Sex in marriage is very important to the success of marital life.If you are not getting it right in your bedroom,I don’t think you can get it right in other areas. In fact ,sex in marriage is the real marriage.SEX IN MARRIAGE: DO IT BECAUSE YOU SAID “I DO”
On your wedding day, the priest ask you, ……(Your name)Will you take (your husband)…… as your wedded husband………………. In which you answered…. “I DO”
One of the things you say I do to on your wedding day is SEX. May be you have not been told that sex is part of the package of marriage In fact, it is the completion and consummation of marriage You can’t  say you don’t like sex ,it is too late to  say so.YOU MUST LIKE SEX IN MARRIAGE.SEX IN MARRIAGE: DO IT BECAUSE YOU SAID “I DO”
You must do it because you said ‘I do’.
I don’t know how else you can satisfy the man you married if you allow bedroom to collapse; because men (or males of most animals) are known to be more aggressive about sex than their female counterparts. That is why sex in marriage is very important.
In our sex book for husbands for men,titled SECRETS OF AN IRRESISTIBLE HUSBAND,we share some things with men. Permit me to share some with you here,just the way it is written in the book.SEX IN MARRIAGE: DO IT BECAUSE YOU SAID “I DO”

READ ALSO:  What To Do When Your Wife Hate Sex

I have attended to countless number of men in counselling room whose major grouse with their wives is hatred of sex.Many of them wonder why women hate sex so much.
I can’t forget the case of a man who came to tell me that his wife is  wicked. Wicked? I asked.Yes,she is so wicked, he replied.I asked him,what has she done wrong? He said, everything;she is very wicked. I asked: is she fighting you ;he said no,but she is wicked. I asked :is she stealing your money? he said no; but she is very wicked. I asked so many questions to know what the wife is really doing wrong.His answer was,no,she is only wicked.SEX IN MARRIAGE: DO IT BECAUSE YOU SAID “I DO”
I became confused, until I remember I had not asked him about their sex life. The I asked him and his wife, whether I am permitted to ask intimate questions, in which he quickly, gave his permission. I then asked, when was the last time you had sex as a couple,the man quickly got up and said, thank you pastor; you are a genuine man of God. He then face his wife and said Mama Ngor; can you answer pastor right now the reason you have been running away to sleep in the children’s room and refuse to give me sex in the last two weeks Pastor, that is why I said she is wicked,is she not wicked? He asked.
After teaching the wife what to do and gave her a copy of our book SECRETS OF AN IRRESISTIBLE WIFE, they left my office. Few weeks later when I saw the man again I asked him,hope your wife is no more wicked? He laugh and said thank you Pastor, she is cooperating, she is no more wicked.SEX IN MARRIAGE: DO IT BECAUSE YOU SAID “I DO”
In a Men’s Convention where i ministered recently ,men were asked to tell us their Major Challenges in Marriage. It is interesting to note that more than 80% Men present in the meeting pointed to the bedroom.
A Man was given a form to fill ,the form contain the following columns: name, date of birthplace of birth,age,profession,religion and sex. He filled the other columns correctly but when filling SEX column,He wrote: Not satisfied at all,my wife is disappointing me on the sex column.

READ ALSO:  3 Bedroom Secrets You Must Never Tell Your Husband

All these are to tell you that men are passionate and may be crazy about sex.You can’t afford to be a bedroom failure, you must become an expert, you must learn about it.
We once have a neighbour who is a married woman when I was a little  boy.She was  a troublesome woman, fighter and a nag.She was not only fighting her husband,but her husband’s family and everybody in the neighbourhood. She was so bad that she do fight using broken bottle to attack her perceived enemy, she was that bad.SEX IN MARRIAGE: DO IT BECAUSE YOU SAID “I DO”
Several times, her husband’s family gathered in meetings to persuade her husband to divorce her to no avail,despite the fact she has injured the man several times. One day, the husband was discussing with her friend who want to know the reasons he refused to divorce the woman. He answered by saying ” I know that she is a very bad woman but I know the area which she is very good and better than any other woman I had ever met; that is in the area of bedroom,she is excellent,i will never divorce her” They are still together till today, that was more than forty years ago.SEX IN MARRIAGE: DO IT BECAUSE YOU SAID “I DO”


Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on, 08068312004, 08051512823, BB: 2AF5C883, Blog: