12 Ways to Become a Real Wife


12 Ways to Become a Real Wife

Bisi Adewale

12 Ways to Become a Real Wife

As you get set to get marry you need to develop yourself to be a wife. You were born a girl, you grew up to be called a woman, you may be called a wife after your wedding but it takes much than that to be a wife. Many women are knives though we called them wives. Do not be a knife, be a wife. Learn to be a great wife, you must prepare yourself in the following ways:12 Ways to Become a Real Wife

  1. Become a wise woman: You must be a wise woman. You must handle your husband, in laws, neighbours and children wisely (Proverbs 14:1). 12 Ways to Become a Real Wife

2) Great cook: You must be a great cook, not somebody that will be giving her husband and children “burnt offering” in the name of food. 12 Ways to Become a Real Wife

12 Ways to Become a Real Wife 12 Ways to Become a Real Wife
3) Beauty queen: You must take good care of your looks. Your husband may be born again; he is not blind again.

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12 Ways to Become a Real Wife 12 Ways to Become a Real Wife
4) Husband mistress: You must be your husband’s mistress; you must be romantic and satisfy him sexually. Sex in marriage is godly and righteous.
5) Praise him: You must be a motivator of your husband.
6) House manager: You need to learn how to manage the home well.
7) Mummy: Don’t just be a mother, be a mummy.
M- Manager
U- Unique
M- Multiplier
M- Mentor
Y- Yoke with her family 12 Ways to Become a Real Wife
8) Follow him: You must be a good follower of your husband, submissive, respectful, and obedient. 12 Ways to Become a Real Wife
9) Help him: Help your husband to fulfil his God giving vision and purpose.
10) Be a Deborah: Be strong spiritually, stand to defend your family and nation.
11) Be prayerful: Be hot on your knees; pray and win for your family.
12) Be a woman of godly character: Don’t fail to be a woman of pleasant character; don’t be difficult to live with, be good, nice, generous, and a woman of God.
As you prepare for marriage please note that you must not fail in those twelve places, so prepare yourself to succeed. 12 Ways to Become a Real Wife