-Bisi Adewale


Women are naturally beautiful creature, with their beauty spanning through all aspects of their being. It is beyond the physical.101 THINGS MEN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT WOMEN

Audrey Hepburn said:
“The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides”
As beautiful as women are, they can be very complex. Here we need to discuss 101 Things Men should know about women.

when it comes to impressing women, you don’t have to go big or go home. This applies to all things, because what women are really looking for is thoughtfulness. Kind words, meaningful touch, small acts of service – your love is best communicated in those little details.101 THINGS MEN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT WOMEN

2. “I LOVE YOU” IS A MUSIC THAT CAN NOT GO OUTDATED TO A WOMAN: Women always want to hear “I love you.” She can’t hear it enough, so Guys, it is a song you must sing everyday.

3. WHEN A WOMAN SAYS “GO AHEAD”: It means I dare you, not permission.

4. WOMEN WANT TO BE ADDRESSED RIGHTLY: If you call a woman “Hot”, it doesn’t mean anything. Call her pretty, sweet, beautiful and lovely. That’s the right way to woo a woman.101 THINGS MEN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT WOMEN(Part 1)

5. WOMEN LOVE TO BE SPOILT: Women love to be spoiled with love and care. They sometimes have this childish part of them that really comes out especially when they want something really badly.

6. SHE KNOWS THE TRUTH: When a woman asks you a question, it is better you say the truth, chances are she already knows the truth. She just want you to fool yourself, she will soon show you her evidence.

7. ALMOST ALL WOMEN HAVE SOMETHING THEY HATE ABOUT THEIR BODIES: Because most women believe in things being perfect, they have this part of their body they just don’t like, they always feeling bad about it and just hate it. Help your wife overcome this feeling by passing great comments about her looks and body always.

8. WOMEN LIKE IT WHEN YOU ASK FOR ADVICE FROM THEM: They like it when men seek their opinion before doing anything. This action just shows that you trust her, and that she’s someone you can count on. She loves to talk and by asking her, she’d feel that her opinion matters to you.

9. WHEN A WOMAN COMPLEMENT YOUR DRESS SHE WANT YOU TO WEAR IT MORE: If your wife compliments an item of clothing that you wear, take the none verbal cue and wear it more. Trust me, that’s what she is saying; ‘Dear, I want to see this more on you’

10. WOMEN LIKE MEN WHO KNOWS THEIR NEEDS: No woman wants to keep talking about her needs. She wants you to know her enough and be able to predict what she needs without having to tell you every time.


11. WOMEN DO GIVE HINTS OF WHAT THEY WANT INDIRECTLY: It only takes your patience, being attentive and sensitivity, women do give cue into what they like. It could come in, “I like what that woman is wearing”, “blue bags are always good, “big phones is good for women” “Roseline’s husband bought her a nice car” Read from the cues, be sensitive and get her what will make her happy.

12. WOMEN LIKE MEN WHO PROTECT THEM: Women love to be secured and they expect their men to do that for them. Make her feel safe with you all the time.

A good way to make a girl mad is not trust her when she’s being honest.101 THINGS MEN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT WOMEN(Part 1)

14. WOMEN HATE BEING IGNORED: Women hate to be ignored. Don’t ignore her beauty, good dressing, good deed, good cooking and good attitude. They just want to be noticed.

15. WOMEN ARE SLOWER BUT ARE NOT STUPID: Women are a little bit slower than men, but are not stupid.

16. WOMEN CAN BE FEARFUL: Yes, a woman can fear anything, all you need to do is to assure her.

17. WOMEN CAN OVER BLOW PAIN IF THEY KNOW YOU CARE: She can exaggerate pain, fear or happening if they have ears that listen to them. Don’t run mad because of the way she describes the accident. Just be calm to take right decision.

18. WOMEN LIKE LISTENING MEN: When a woman is in love with you, she can never be tired of talking to you. All she wants is for you to be attentive without any form of distraction. She wants to talk about her fear, joy, plans, past and much more. In fact, she wants to talk about everything.

19. WOMEN DON’T LIKE THEIR MEN TO WATCH PORN: Women feel sad to see their husbands watch another woman’s nakedness. Whether physical or just a piece of video (Pornorgraphy), she feels slighted.

20. WOMEN DON’T LIKE THEIR MEN TO HAVE ROVING EYES: Looking at all Bums that pass, viewing all uncovered cleavage makes an average woman feel threatened and uncomfortable.

21. WOMEN DON’T LIKE THEIR MEN TO APPRECIATE THE BEAUTY OF OTHER WOMEN IN THEIR PRESENCE: Women do feel threatened when you appreciate the beauty of other women. So, avoid it

22. WOMEN DON’T LIKE FLIRTY HUSBANDS: Flirting with girls or others simply means you’re not a one-woman-man; remember that actions speak louder all the time.

23. WOMEN WANT THEIR HUSBANDS TO BE PROUD OF THEM: Women want to feel that you are proud of having them. You have to say it and show it.


24. WOMEN LIKE IT WHEN THEIR HUSBANDS SHOW THEM OFF: They may not tell you but sometimes they want you to show them off to your family and friends.

25. WOMEN WANT THEIR MEN TO KNOW THEIR LIKES AND DISLIKES: Knowing her likes and dislikes is cool for her. This means that you are that interested to get to know her better and to make ways to make her happy.

26. WOMEN LOVE ROMANTIC HUSBANDS:   Play with her, Kiss her under the rain and in front of your family and friends, it’s not that hard.

27. WOMEN’S DEFINITION OF ROMANCE IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK: Men define romance as “Sex”, Women define romance in a more complex and complicated way. If you ask a woman to define romance, she will say; “touch me”, “Kiss me”, “hold me”, “take me out”, “Play with me”, “Hug me”, “buy gift for me” “Massage me”, and the list is endless.

28. EACH WOMAN IS DIFFERENT IN THE WAY SHE DEFINES ROMANCE: Don’t just read a romance novel and think what you read in it or watched in a film is what your wife want. Not at all, you need to ask questions and look for clues.

29. WOMEN LIKE ROMANCE BUT NOT SEX: What a woman want most is not sex. It is not really her need, what she want is love, care and romance. If you give her these, she will give you sex.

30. WOMEN TAKE ABOUT 40 MINUTES OF FOREPLAY TO BE READY FOR SEX: It takes a man few minute to be ready for sex, but women will take between 30 and 40 minute to be ready.

31. WOMEN CAN REACH ORGASM MORE THAN ONE TIME IN AN INTERCOURSE: Unlike men who can only reach orgasm once  in a sexual intercourse, women can reach orgasm several times.

32. WOMEN CAN REACH ORGASM WITHOUT INTERCOURSE: Women can reach orgasm during foreplay and be totally satisfied. So, husband be skillful in the bedroom.

33. WOMEN CAN USE SEX TO BROKER POWER: Some women uses sex as trade by barter to hold their husband into ransom, this is wrong.

34. THE STRONGEST SEX ORGAN OF A WOMAN IS NOT UNDER HER PANTIES: The heart of a woman is her strongest sex organ  not her genital. If you must open her panties, then you must feed her heart and make her happy.

35. WOMEN LIKE SOMEBODY THAT MAKE THEM LAUGH: Women find themselves more attracted to someone with the ability to make them laugh. Laughter strengthens relationships with them

36. IF YOU BREAK A WOMAN’S HEART, SHE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME: Be careful, don’t break a woman’s heart. They hardly totally heal or get over it.

37. WOMEN ARE GOOD DETECTIVES: Women are good detectives. Some just does not open it up with their husbands

READ ALSO:  Husbands responsibilities to wives Pt 1

38. WOMEN CARE FOR DETAILS: When a woman ask you how was the day? Fine!! Is not the answer she is expecting, you need to explain what happened during the day

39. WOMEN TEND TO BE MORE ORGANIZED: When women organize a program, event or party; they tend to be more organized. To a man, party is all about food and music, but women will never forget tooth pick, serviette, stain removal etc

40. WOMEN TEND TO BE MORE COMPASSIONATE: If people witness an accident, women will be crying; it may not even move men in the house.

41. WOMEN DO FEEL SECURE WITH REAL MEN: If you are a real man, women will be very secure seeing you around.

42. WORDS AFFECT WOMEN MORE THAN MEN: women are more touched with words than men. But negative words do have more impact in their lives than positive one. Call a woman beautiful, and you’ll make her day. Call her ugly and you will spoil her year.

What women love can be very funny. Something like staring at stars,star counting, watching baby playing or listening to the rain and other cheesy stuffs seen only in movies.

44. WOMEN LOVE HUG WITH NO STRING ATTACHED: Hugging her without a reason is a very sweet thing for her, especially when you do it surprisingly. Those random hugs and kisses are the best.

45. EVERY WOMAN IS FEMALE(Feeling+Male= Female): Every woman is a female, male that come with bundles of feelings. Be very careful, the way you handle her, her judgement will be based on feeling most of the time not on logic, that is a woman.

46. EVERY WOMAN IS A MAN WITH A WOMB(Womb+Man=Woman): Every woman is a man with a womb. The womb came with a lot of hormones that make them very complex.

47. RAPING A WOMAN LEAVES A LIFE TIME SCAR IN HER: Raping a woman is beyond the Biological or criminal part of it. It is more emotional and psychological for the woman. It hurts her deeply for the rest of her life

48. WOMEN LOVE GIFTS: Women love special things especially when it’s given as a surprise. Do something special for her sometimes.

49. WOMEN LIKE MEN THAT ARE INTERESTED IN THEIR INTEREST: Try to be interested with her interests. Women would really appreciate a Man who makes an effort to blend-in with them.

50. WOMEN LOVE BEEN MADE TO LOOK EXCEPTIONAL: Making girls feel exceptional would make them feel good about themselves and will take away some of their insecurities as well.

Please,watch-out for the concluding part

Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on familybooster@gmail.com, 08068312004, 08051512823, BB: 2AF5C883, Blog:  www.bisiadewale.com, Website:www.familybooster.com facebook.com/PastorBisiAdewale.Twitter@bisiadewale