- Pastor Bisi Adewale
A transformed family is a scripture-guided family that is fully submitted to the leading and nudging of the Holy Spirit. In this family, Christ is the overall head and he is loved and worshiped. The husband is the physical Head of the family. He is treated as a king while the wife is the queen of the house, deeply loved and honoured by all. The children are royal princes and princesses; provided for, loved and taught in the way of the Lord. (1 Peter 2:9-10, Psalm 144:12-15) BUILDING A TRANSFORMED FAMILY
- DEFORMED FAMILIES. These are families on the other side. Christ has no room in the house; God is not honoured in the house. Peace is not available because the prince of peace is absent.
- IN AND OUT FAMILIES. These are families on the fence; they are not here and they are not there. They are lukewarm families. They are just church goers, Bible carriers but not doers of the word. They are in the church but they don’t know the God of the church.BUILDING A TRANSFORMED FAMILY
- Transformed Families. This is the family of God on earth. The family God wants us to build
- Parties involved must be genuinely born again. There is no way to build a “family of God” if God is not in you. You must submit your life, spirit, soul and body. I mean your totality to Him. Without total submission to God, you cannot enjoy His grace in your family. Job 22:21
- God must take His rightful place in your home. Being born again is not all, there is more to know. Allow God to be totally in charge of your home, encourage consistent Bible study and an active prayer life. Let the fear of the Lord guide everything at home. 9:4 BUILDING A TRANSFORMED FAMILY
- One of the major crises in marriage is couples does not have a vision for their home. what is your vision for that marriage? You should have a vision of making heaven together with your spouse and children. Birth a vision of heaven, vision of raising godly seed and a vision of a peaceful old age with your spouse. Proverbs 29:18
- Total Acceptance. Couple involved are ready to accept and celebrate each other thereby their home is a heaven devoid of complaints, condemnation and negative criticisms. SOS 2:2-3
- Team Work. Couples should work as a team and not “war” in the team. You must learn to build together and make the most of your marriage. Marriage is not meant to be an Olympic event; rather, there should be joint efforts to make the home work by celebrating each other’s strength and covering each other’s weaknesses with love. Eccl 4:9-12.
- Both must be committed to their marriage vows. No infidelity, no sleeping around is permitted in marriage. total purity, godliness with total commitment to the vows made to God (to forsake all others till death do us part”) Eccl 9:10.
- Honour and Respect. Parties involved must learn to honour and respect each other. Wives must not embarrass while the husbands should not harass. Choice words must be used and cutting remarks must be avoided by all means. (1 Peter 3:7, Ephesians 5:33) BUILDING A TRANSFORMED FAMILY
- Service and Sacrifice. Both must be ready to serve and even make sacrifices where necessary. Nobody should insist on getting all the attention. We must stretch a helping hand and say “what can I do for you”. Resist he “you-must-always-serve-me” attitude that characterized people. Proverbs 27:18
- Banqueting House. Make your home a place of romance, enjoy your time together, play together, hug generously, appreciate each other, remain friends, create an atmosphere of romance, be generous with gifts, celebrate special days, talk intimately, operate in love, be committed to each other and be humourous. By all means, be in love. Don’t build a traumatic, electronics or plastic marriage; build a romantic one. SOS 2:4
- Forgive each other. Don’t magnify little weaknesses, rather; learn to forgive, learn to let go. Nobody is perfect; don’t think you are; so forgive your spouse.
- Communicate deeply. Let your communication be total. Your communication is total if it is open, deep, positive and truthful. Talk in love and in truth. Ephesians 4:29. BUILDING A TRANSFORMED FAMILY
- Build a green Bed. Let sex thrive in your marriage; make it “love making” not “animal mating” or marital rape. Do it willingly, do it with joy and celebrate it. It is a gift of God to married people, therefore, talk about it, do it often, do it creatively and joyfully. There is no iota of sin when you make love to your God-given spouse. Relax and enjoy yourself. Never share your body with any other person; you can enjoy the best at homr. Read books to improve your sex life; strive to be better. Discuss with your spouse on areas of improvement. Don’t turn it into a wrestling bout, don’t fight about it. Never permit BOREDOM in your BEDROOM, build a GREEN BED.