Can I Quit This Relationship?


Can I Quit This Relationship?

Can I Quit This Relationship?
Hi sir,
Can I Quit This Relationship?-our wedding is few weeks from now but my fiancée has been unfaithful, she took money from me one day only to wire it into another guys account. God so kind, she forgot the teller inside her bag and I saw it. I took the name and brows it on Facebook. I was very honest with the guy during our chats so that he told me the whole truth. I wish to quit the relationship even though she is begging but I don’t know if that is the right decision because I will be 35 years in just few days from now. Your counsel is urgently needed so that i may not fall into error. Please help me.

COUNSELLOR: Can I Quit This Relationship?

I will advise you to suspend the wedding for now. I perceive she still has many things to say to you. There are many things you do not know about her. Can I Quit This Relationship?

You will then need to seek counsel and be patience to take the right steps without been rash. Her response will also determine your actions.

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Hi sir,
Can I Quit This Relationship?-our wedding is few weeks from now but my fiancée has been unfaithful, she took money from me one day only to wire it into another guys account. God so kind, she forgot the teller inside her bag and I saw it. I took the name and brows it on Facebook. I was very honest with the guy during our chats so that he told me the whole truth. I wish to quit the relationship even though she is begging but I don’t know if that is the right decision because I will be 35 years in just few days from now. Your counsel is urgently needed so that i may not fall into error. Please help me.

COUNSELLOR: Can I Quit This Relationship?

I will advise you to suspend the wedding for now. I perceive she still has many things to say to you. There are many things you do not know about her. Can I Quit This Relationship?

You will then need to seek counsel and be patience to take the right steps without been rash. Her response will also determine your actions.


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