The Uncommon Man In Marriage

The Uncommon man in Marriage
The Uncommon man in Marriage

The Uncommon Man In Marriage

-Bisi Adewale

The Uncommon Man In Marriage

An Uncommon man in marriage is , a real man and a balanced man. It is not a product of how old he is, but a product of how well he has become. A man may look muscular, strong, energetic and solid but he may still be a boy in character, habits, attitudes, carriage and emotion.

The question then is who is an extraordinary man? Before we answer that question, let’s look at his trails.

Trails of an Uncommon Man In Marriage

He is a progressive man, growing daily unto perfection, growing daily into the likeness of Christ. He is moving from:The Uncommon Man In Marriage

1. Boy to Man: He is bold and courageous; he is ready to face responsibilities like providing for his family, defending, protecting and shielding them. He is not lazy, fearful nor lustful. He is godly, thoughtful and useful.

2. Man to Husband: He is not just a man; he has grown up to become a husband and father “house-bound”. He takes care of his wife, becoming a lover boy. He treats his wife as a queen becoming the leader, father, mentor, friends and cover of the wifeThe Uncommon Man In Marriage


3. Husband to Father: He is not just a husband; he is a father. He is adequately committed to his children, leading them in the path of righteousness, protecting them and ensuring all is well.

4. Father to Minister: He is the chief priest of the family, the senior pastor of the family. He defends his family, through prayer and righteousness. He ensures his children are born again, serving the Lord. He builds a strong prayer altar at home, praying for and with his wife and children. The Uncommon Man In Marriage

5. From Minister to Pillar: He is not just a minister he has become a pillar, strong pillar of support for his wife and children. He is a financial, emotional and spiritual pillar. He is a good example for the whole family. The Uncommon Man In Marriage