Building Generational Wealth


Building Generational Wealth

Bisi Adewale

Building Generational Wealth
Building Generational Wealth-To build a successful family wealth that will be trans-generational,certain truths needs to be known which must be a guide to you on a daily basis.
1. Money is Life: Always remember that money is blood. You put a lot of things into making money, your time, your intelligence, thinking, your focus and even your blood (strength and mind). But when it is time to spend it you forget all this, you just relax to enjoy yourself, spending lavishly, feeding people that are not hungry. When you waste money, you waste time, when you waste money; you waste knowledge; yes, you waste blood and life.Successful Family Wealth

2. Have a Focus: My focus was to get two marks for my first house and at the end you know  what I got. I would have stopped when I thought I was the last, but for the two marks. When investing money, have a target, you may invest to build your own house, to become director of a company, to meet your children educational needs, to live comfortably in retirement and old age etc. Just have a focus this will give you the strength to continue until you get to your destination.Successful Family Wealth

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3. Eat Right: One thing marathoners are known for is that, they do not eat anyhow, they do

not eat just anything, and rather they eat things that will give them strength but will not give

them fat. They are selective in what they eat. If you want to build financially strong family,

do not eat anyhow, avoid eating out, and avoid alcohol and hard drugs. Constant visitation to

eateries is also forbidden. Eat at home; avoid wasting money on food that may not be better

than the one in your house.Successful Family Wealth

4. Shed Extra Weight: Have you ever seen a fat world marathon champion? Impossible!

Marathoners are known to be strong but slim. Likewise shed extra weight that may affect

your family finance. Must you use two cars? Must you use three phones? Must you live in a

duplex? All these are luxury, shed this weight. Successful Family Wealth- Shed this weight brother, for your finances to


move forward..Building Generational Wealth