How To Know That Your Husband Is Not Happy
How To Know That Your Husband Is Not Happy


By Bisi Oludare

Sex Before Marriage
Sex Before Marriage

It must be noted that marriage is beautify and God had plans for a great and blissful union before He instituted marriage. He didn’t create marriage as an escape root from your unhappiness or lonely life. A lot of people end in divorce or separation today because of wrong foundation and knowledge about marriage. Here are 10 wrong reasons people get married;

  1. Because of Age: this is usually common among the ladies who feel their time is running out and age is not on their side. Who told you you that’s worth jumping into marriage? If your biological clock is running out, I would advice you use God’s clock.7 WRONGS WAYS TO GET MARRIED
  2. To Avoid Parental Pressure: this is very wrong, if your parents or family are on your neck to get married even when you have not gotten God’s will for your life and you fall for it, it is a pointer to danger.7 WRONGS WAYS TO GET MARRIED
  3. You Are Afraid To Lose That Special Somebody: Using fear as a reason to get married is completely wrong. If you are that unsure of your relationship, then being apart is simply a better bet because a broken courtship is better than a broken marriage
  4. To Get Over An Ex: I suppose you heard that your ex has gotten married? Did you just go through a terrible break-up and you think jumping into a lifetime commitment will heal your broken heart? Is your intention to show your Ex you are better and can easily get another person? Then, you are doing the right thing for the wrong reason. What happens when you eventually get over your Ex? You will definitely be left with a person you don’t love which you will have to live with for the rest of your life. Trust me, it doesn’t worth it!
  5. You Got Pregnant: Just as people will call it ‘you made a mistake’ because you are pregnant when you are not even married. That is not enough reason to commit yourself to marry the person. When you were doing what you weren’t supposed to do, what do you expect? But then, a pregnancy being the foundation doesn’t worth a lifetime commitment
  6. You Have Been Together For Years: being together for years without any visible sign of tying the knot soon is not a strong reason for marriage. Marriage itself requires that you take another look at the relationship before deciding to commit your destiny.7 WRONGS WAYS TO GET MARRIED
  7. All Your Friends Are Married: ohhh that’s beautiful but no one will take your own day neither will they marry your wife/husband.7 WRONGS WAYS TO GET MARRIED
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Using any of the above as your reason for getting married might hurt you later. Take your time and get it right from the beginning, then marital bliss is certain

Bisi Oludare has a passion and ministry in the area of family life. She is a graduate of the First Premier Marriage Institute – The College of Marital Success where she obtained a Postgraduate Certificate as a qualified Chartered Counselor. She is a graduate of the School of Disciples and also attended the Word of Faith Bible Institute. She is a graduate of Biochemistry from LAUTECH and also holds a Masters Degree in Pharmacology from UNILAG but called to build homes through the power in the word of God.

E-mail: abbeylily@yahoo.com

Twitter: @bisioludare

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