Better Ways To Handle Proposal(Must-Read For Ladies)


Better Ways To Handle Proposal(Must-Read For Ladies)


Better Ways To Handle Proposal(Must-Read For Ladies)

How a lady handle proposal determines largely the kind of image she will have before single guys and the kind of treatment she will get as she prepare to get married.

Wise ladies,handle proposal decently with the following wisdom:

1.Don’t Be Intimated: – Whenever a brother proposes to you, take your mind off his status. Don’t be intimated by his status or position. He may be your spiritual father, pastor, president of your fellowship or highly placed somebody in the society, do not allow this to get to your head. Be in-charge; take absolute control of your mind. If you are thrilled by his status, you will lose your sensitivity to God and you may end up making a wrong decision.

2.Tell God:– After getting proposal from a brother, the first thing to do is to tell God about it. Don’t just ask God to stamp it instead, ask Him about the brother in question. Of course He knows him inside-out. Ask Him to speak to you and to lead you in taking the right decision. God can never lead you into error but people’s opinion, your eyes and personal standard may lead you into regret oftomorrow. Don’t count God out, allow Him and He will lead you into a glorious marriage. (Romans8:14). Be sensitive enough to hear God and to follow all his instruction. With this you will find rest in your marriage.


Don’t Overreact: – No matter who proposes to you, don’t over react. You have overreacted if you insult the brother. Even if you think he doesn’t match your level. It is only immature and uncultured sisters that do that instead treat him kindly by asking him to give you time to pray about it.

Don’t go about telling all your friends or making jest of him, this is wrong even if you will tell your friends, tell the matured ones who will not broadcast it.

Don’t jump into a conclusion: –Bola said no to Joshua’s proposal immediately because he was an applicant living in a single room squatting with his friends. But few months later, he got a job in a multi-national company with an official car attached to it. A year later, Joshua got married to Deola with pomp and pageantry while Bola is still single and she regrettable narrated this story. Regardless of his financial status, academic attainment or residence, never jump into conclusion. Consult God first who alone knows the future that is hidden from you. The only time you’re permitted to say ‘no’immediately you are proposed, is when the brother is an unbeliever (Joshua 23:11-14). 


Seek Counsel: – In taking this all important decision, never neglect wise and godly counsel. Godly counsel will help you to reason well and guide you in taking the right decision. What is not clear to you may become known through counsel. Telling your pastor or marriage counsellor will be better. If you neglect godly counsel, you will be mislead. You may be carried away by the achievement or stature of the brother but your counsellor can not. Go to them.

Prompt Response: – After a proposal, don’t rush in giving your response and at the same time, don’t prolong it more than necessary.  For you to delay your response for up to two years in disguise that you are still praying is totally wrong. It doesn’t take long for God to speak, its either you don’t like him or you you don’t understand how God speaks to His children.

You can get this book-   By Pastor Bisi Adewale Wisdom For Choosing A life-partner.

READ ALSO:  The Place of Conviction in Choosing a Life Partner

Please do not delay your answer, as soon as you have prayed- through and obtain godly counsel, then gave your response promptly.

Friendly Ending: – Note: no brother will be happy getting a no for an answer. As a Christian, we must remain as friends and not sworn-enemies. If your answer is no, avoid saying it harshly rather say it in a friendly manner. Part in peace and continue to relate with him with respect. Keep greeting him and don’t broadcast it for all and sundry but keep it to yourself.

 OBA SAMUEL is a family and relationship coach.A seasoned speaker in singles and couples conferences.Happily married to his queen-Oluwakemi;a babe of rare qualities and they are blessed with Godly&great children.Connect me on Twitter @PastorOba .E-mail: